Murph - THE Memorial Day Workout

It’s that time of year again…Memorial Day Murph! I’ve done Murph pregnant multiple times, early & late postpartum, pre-pregnant Murph, Murph with a vest, etc. This blog post is a reflection from my knowledge and experience as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, CrossFit Level 2 trainer, CrossFit gymnastics certificate, and Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach (certified).

Murph is a LOT of volume. “Rx” is performed with a weight vest on.

Controversial opinion? If you haven’t gotten a sub 45 minute Murph without a vest on, you don’t need a vest. IMO, no pregnant athlete needs to be wearing a vest- training mindset should be different! Postpartum athletes, I would consider how far postpartum & what your current training/volume has been like before choosing a variation of Murph. If you’re thinking about wearing a vest, maybe consider wearing one just for the run - see below for postpartum considerations. Also, consider if you have built a solid foundation (read below) before wearing a vest for full Murph. Injured athletes, if you have an upper body injury & want to wear a vest for the squats & run, and have a decent aerobic capacity built up, ok.

Wearing a vest postpartum to run:

  • How far postpartum? I’d recommend being at least 12 weeks postpartum.

  • Leaking & running - if you can’t run a mile without leaking, then definitely no to a vest. Ideally, being able to run 2-3 miles without leaking and no vest before adding a vest.

  • No symptoms of heaviness/pelvic pressure with impact (running, jumping, etc)

  • Have you tried putting a vest on?

Also possibly controversial (though I really don’t think it should be), if an athlete cannot easily perform 10-15 kipping/butterfly pull-ups, there is no reason to wear a vest. If you struggle with movement standards (chin over bar on pull-ups, chest to the ground on push-ups & back up without “worming”"), there shouldn’t be a vest worn. Looking at longevity with training here.

If you don’t have access to a pull-up bar, doing lat pull downs, leg assisted pull-ups, ring rows or a similar type row would work or a bent over row with barbell/dumbbells/kettlebells/random object. DBs/KBs can be a nice option for injured athletes as well, as you can modify the weights more (depending on what you have access to).

You can modify the intensity of push-ups by going on your knees (my least favorite option), hands elevated on a step or box or wall, or even doing floor presses with DBs or KBs. Again lots of volume here, I would want to see my athletes stay moving rather than resorting to single reps.

Access to a bike or rower may be an issue for pregnant/postpartum/injured athletes. For my pregnant & postpartum athletes that are not cleared to run by a pelvic floor physical therapist (which you really should be before doing any running or jumping, IMO), there are a few options I would recommend:

  • Step ups or stairs- you could choose to do a certain amount of reps or for a certain period of time (I would recommend around 8 minutes) to sub for a 1 mile run. You can even carry a DB or KB to increase the intensity if all you have is one or two steps.

  • Sled pushes/pulls- if you have access to a sled, that’s awesome! Keep the empty sled or add light weight to it. I would alternate between pushing & pulling, again probably keeping for the 8 minutes of work I mentioned above.

If you made it this far, congratulations! Keep going if you want more specific recommendations 😁

What I’ll be doing:

Here’s my plan at 6 months postpartum:

  • I’ll be doing a partner/half Murph - my frequency of training has been very inconsistent with work & kids.

  • Walk/run, possibly with a stroller. Unsure of the distance yet - 800m kicked my butt a couple of weeks ago so we’ll see.

  • Pull-ups: Likely will be doing ring row.

  • Push ups: My plan is to start with my hands on a box and have a set of 20/25s DBs ready to go or a 6 month old.

  • Squats: Bodyweight. Possibly with a 6 month old depending on how patient (or rather impatient) she is 😝

  • I will probably do the following rep scheme - likely will be doing 10 rounds: I like breaking up my push ups, that’s usually the worst part for me. Breaking them up helps me avoid singles.

    • x5 push ups

    • x5 pull-ups

    • x5 push ups

    • x15 squats

Injured Athletes

As a physical therapist, my professional recommendation is, if something hurts, don't do it.

Shoulder/arm injury:

  • DO NOT WEAR A VEST IF YOU HAVE SHOULDER PAIN/INJURY. Please read that again, I'm not yelling, just talking sternly. Or just wear it for the run.

  • Pull-ups are very likely not friendly to those with shoulder pain. I recommend scaling pull ups to leg assisted pull-ups or ring rows if you have pain. If you are able to hang from the bar, doing pull ups with a better/tighter kip and more strict-like movements will likely feel better on the shoulders.

  • Push ups may also be an issue as well. Scale to incline push ups (box, wall, dumbbells) if necessary. Hand-release push ups may help decrease the symptoms in the bottom position.

    • DB/KB floor press is also a great option, as you can easily control how much you’re loading your shoulders & can use different weights.

  • Break the movements into smaller sets- sets of 5 reps of the movements, alternating movements to give the shoulders a little rest.

  • Do not be afraid to scale the reps. Consider halving the pull ups and push ups. If you do strict pull ups, I'd recommend doing 33 or 34 reps total (1:3 ratio).

Hip/knee/leg injury:

  • Consider scaling the run to the bike or rower. If you are able to run for shorter distances, consider scaling the run to a half mile each time.

  • Squats should be performed to a depth that is comfortable- remember you can always decrease the amount of reps.

  • Use a box or ball as a target with squats if necessary to keep from going into a painful range.

  • Scaling air squats to the bike would another appropriate substitute if the above recommendations continue to cause symptoms. Perform for the amount of time it would take on average to perform the squats.

    • Could also choose a non-leg dominant movement to keep moving like sit ups.

Back injury:

  • Keep your core tight & activated during push ups- I like the cue "pull your belly button towards your ribs" and squeeze your butt.

  • Using a box or ball as a target for air squats if squatting to a certain depth causes back pain.

Pregnant Athletes

  • Breathe through the workout. Focus on maintaining a steady pace- no going balls to the wall here please! I would definitely recommend considering scaling the number of reps, especially for those later in their pregnancy.

  • If you begin experiencing symptoms at all during the workout, please stop and find a more appropriate scale. If you are unable to reduce your symptoms, I recommend stopping the workout.

  • Please don't wear a vest if you're've got a built in one already!

  • Running: I would generally recommend scaling to the bike or rower in the 2nd trimester and beyond- it is a "longer" run, so there's an increased chance of fatigue and possibly symptoms. Running causes impact, which will put additional stress on the pelvic floor.

    • The pelvic floor is already under a lot of stress with a growing baby- adding impact only increases that stress and possible risk of injury. That risk for injury could be during pregnancy or postpartum.

    • Another option would be to do a short run (maybe 400m or less), than bike or row the rest.

  • Pull-ups: I do not recommend kipping beyond the first trimester, or once you feel the kip start to pull on your belly - whichever happens faster. Kipping will stretch the front of our bodies- which is already getting stretched from the belly. No need to overstretch and put more demand on our bodies, including pressure on our abs and linea alba (which can contribute to coning).

    • Strict pull ups may be an option if you have good strength. Again use the 1 strict pull up : 3 kipping pull up ratio.

    • Banded pull-ups - if you feel comfortable getting in/out of a band.

    • Leg assisted pull-ups

    • Ring rows- you can adjust your feet position mid-set if you're starting to cone.

    • Seated pull down with a band.

    • If you noticed any coning, stop. Try modifying your breathing strategy and/or decrease the intensity of the movement. If coning continues, scale further.

  • Push ups: Breathe out as you press up to the top here.

    • Make sure there is no coning- push ups require a lot of core strength, and are likely to put pressure on the already stressed abdominal muscles.

      • Hack: You can put your phone under your stomach & turn the camera on to see what’s happening in your core!

    • Elevate your hands so there's room for the belly. Using dumbbells, a box or wall are all ways to accommodate!

    • DB/KB floor press is also a nice option as well, you can easily control the weight here.

  • Squats: Focusing on breath is important here, exhale coming out of the squat.

    • Squat to a depth that is comfortable to you. Use a bench or box if necessary.

      • If squatting is uncomfortable, scale to the bike.

Postpartum Athletes

  • Focus on moving at a steady pace through the workout. Being mindful of your strategy as the reps increase is important- as the workout continues, you'll fatigue. Fatigue will make it more challenging to perform piston strategy and can put additional stress on those weak/healing areas such as the pelvic floor and abdominals.

  • Scaling the reps is a great way to accommodate the changes your postpartum body is still dealing with- scaling the run and/or the bodyweight movements.

  • I would not recommend adding a vest if you have not been training for Murph in that capacity. That extra weight will fatigue your core even quicker, increasing the risk of symptoms.

  • Running: Ok to do as long as you've been cleared by a pelvic floor PT, and have no symptoms. If you have not run much, and haven't tried working up to a mile, I would recommend scaling the distance.

    • Other appropriate scales would be the bike or rower (no coning!).

  • Pull-ups: If regular pull-ups are not part of your workouts yet, there's no need to try them in this high volume workout. Instead do pull ups as you have been in training, continuing to focus on breath with movement.

    • I don't recommend kipping movements until you've been assessed by a pelvic floor PT and cleared to try them. Working with a PT who is fitness forward can help you develop the strength & appropriately progress you back.

    • There are several options for pull ups if you "don't have them". Leg assisted pull-ups, ring rows, banded pull-ups, pull downs with a band, etc.

    • If you notice any coning, stop. Try modifying your breathing strategy and/or decrease the intensity of the movement. If coning continues, scale further.

  • Push ups: If regular push ups cause symptoms or you're not able to maintain good alignment, please scale to whatever option you've been using in training.

    • If you are doing regular push ups, exhale as you press up and focus on keeping the abdominals & glutes engaged to decrease risk of symptoms.

    • Scaling options include knees, hands elevated on bench/box/dumbbells/wall.

      • DB/KB floor press is a nice option here as well.

    • If you notice coning, stop. Try to adjust your strategy and technique- if you're unable to perform without coning or other symptoms, please modify.

      • Hack: Use the camera function on your phone, put it on the floor under your belly to make it easier to monitor.

  • Squats: Focusing on breath is important here, exhale as you come up.

    • Squat to a depth that is comfortable to you. Use a bench or box if necessary. Keep good alignment- do you have a butt wink? Don't go so low. Focus on getting that pelvic floor to work with your breathing.

    • Scaling to the bike is another option.

Want to work with me?

Do you have specific questions regarding your training during pregnancy & postpartum? You can book a 30 or 60 minute virtual consult with me (we can talk Murph scaling, modifications, pregnancy & postpartum training considerations, injury rehab & considerations, whatever you want that is fitness, physical therapy, pregnancy, postpartum related or any combination of that!). This can be a one-time meeting or we can meet on a regular basis to discuss/review/modify your programming, address any symptoms or issues.

I also offer in-person consultations, personal training and physical therapy services to those who are more local to me.

***This blog post is not meant to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis & treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or concern.

Coaches - 

When considering scaling an athlete, try to keep in the mind what functional movement is being performed. Is it a variation of the squat, hinge, pull, push, etc.? Try to maintain the integrity of the functional movement, while modifying it a level that is appropriate for your individual athletes. If you would like to learn more about coaching pregnant and postpartum athletes, please look into Brianna Battles' coaching courses here. For questions regarding scaling/modifications for the injured athlete, please feel free to contact me and/or work directly with the athlete's healthcare provider.

***All pregnant and postpartum women should have their physician's approval to workout. If you don't, please do not workout. If you have any physician restrictions, to ignore them is placing you and your baby's health in jeopardy.

***I recommend all postpartum women get assessed by a pelvic floor physical therapist. Find one by you here. I also highly recommend finding a Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism coach by you to go over strategy with specific exercises, programming and recommendations. Find one here.

***At any sight of coning with any movement, stop. Stop if you begin experiencing "leaking", sensation of something "falling out" and/or anything that doesn't feel right. Take more breaks as needed, if it's due to fatigue. Focus on your breathing and movement strategy. If you continue to have symptoms, scale the movement more or stop the workout. If you haven't consulted with a healthcare provider and/or postpartum fitness specialist regarding your symptoms, please do.

If you have specific questions regarding this post, please comment below or contact via social media or email. I'm happy to help- but remember my advice is not accompanied with a hands-on assessment, which is the best way to make recommendations. If you are interested in meeting with me, please contact me. If you're interested in finding an appropriate healthcare provider/coach, please contact me and I will do my best to help you find one.


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